Guest Management

Manage the entire podcast experience for your guests

Make your guests' podcasting experience with you seamless and easy. You can collect their details, create personalized profiles, and keep them engaged. All done directly on your podcast's website.

Guest Profiles

Showcase your guests with dedicated profile pages

Automatically create a page for each guest, featuring their bio, links, and episodes they've appeared on. Make it easy for fans to learn more about your guests and discover their episodes.

Full guest profiles
Guest profiles are visible at the bottom all your episode pages.
Boosted SEO
Every guest page is optimized for search engines, so listeners can find your guests.
Internal linking
Every episode page will link to the guest page and link to the episodes they've been on.
Export Guest Data

Easily export guest data for your preferred tools

Download your complete guest data at any time for use in your own workflow. Import the data into your favorite spreadsheet or management tools for seamless integration.

Flexible data management
Export guest data to use in your preferred tools and systems.
Workflow integration
Easily import exported data into your existing spreadsheets and databases.
Complete guest information
Download all the guest data you need, including bios, links, and episode appearances.
Guest Alerts

Keep guests engaged with automatic episode notifications

Keep your guests informed and engaged by automatically sending them email alerts when their episode goes live. Streamline your communication and strengthen your guest relationships.

Guest communication
Automatically notify guests when their episode is released, without any manual work.
Strengthen relationships
Show your guests you value their contribution by keeping them informed and engaged.
Simpler workflow
Save time and effort by automating the guest notification process.
Guest Intake Form

Simplify guest management with a powerful intake form

Streamline your guest booking process and create comprehensive profiles with Podpage's Guest Intake Form. Enhance your podcast workflow and provide a better experience for your guests.

Guest Intake Form
Efficient booking
Collect all the necessary information from guests in one simple form.
Comprehensive guest profiles
Automatically create detailed guest profiles using the information submitted.
Simpler workflows
Streamline your guest management process and save time on administrative tasks.