Episode pages

The world's best podcast episode pages

Podpage automatically generates the most informative, well structured, search engine friendly pages for every single episode you could ever want.

Search Engine Optimization

Elevate podcast discoverability with automatic, enhanced episode page search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in making your podcast discoverable to a wider audience. At Podpage, we understand the importance of SEO for podcasters. That's why we've equipped our platform with a range of features to enhance the search visibility of your episode pages.

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Search Engine Optimization

Episode pages auto-generated from your feed, so you can focus on content.

One of the standout features of a Podpage website is its remarkable level of automation. We've designed our platform to make your podcasting experience as effortless as possible. With Podpage, your website practically takes care of itself, allowing you to focus on creating great content. Episode pages are created automatically for you letting you focus on what’s important.

Media Players

Choose between your podcast host's native player, Fusebox, or a custom player.

Podpage seamlessly integrates your podcast host's native media player into your episode pages. This ensures that every play is counted fairly, and you can rest assured that your audience's engagement is accurately measured. We’ve also made it exceptionally easy to replace all media players across your website with Fusebox players.

Media Players
Pretty Episode Links

Clear and meaningful episode URLs for better user and search engine understanding.

Podpage ensures that your URLs are clear and understandable to both humans and search engines. Say goodbye to those cryptic strings of numbers and characters. With Pretty Episode Links, your URLs are designed to be descriptive and meaningful.

Pretty Episode Links
Built for Sharing

Seamlessly share episodes across major social networks with eye-catching open graph metatags.

Every episode on your website will have prominant links to share to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and a large list of other social networks. Additionally, every page has been optimized with the right open graph metatags so when it is shared, it looks gorgeous on every platform and stands up in the timeline for better visibility.

Built for Sharing
Episode Categories

Improve listener content discovery with organized Episode Categories for a streamlined experience.

As a podcaster, you know the importance of helping your listeners discover the content that matters most to them. When you have a growing library of episodes, presenting them in a giant list can be overwhelming. That's where Episode Categories come into play. This feature allows you to organize your shows into categories, providing an improved discovery experience for your audience.

Episode Categories
Add Transcripts

Publish transcripts on your website for improved audience engagement and search engine visibility.

Transcripts are a valuable addition to your episode pages, providing excellent and relevant content that not only benefits your audience but also improves your website's visibility on search engines like Google. Adding transcripts to your Podpage website is a powerful way to help Google understand the content of your episodes.

Read from customers who love this:
Add Transcripts
Episode Videos

Enhance episode pages with embedded videos for a dynamic and visually engaging viewing experience.

For podcasters who produce video content alongside their audio episodes, Podpage offers a seamless way to integrate a single embedded video player directly into each episode page. This feature allows you to provide a more visual and engaging experience for your audience, giving them an alternative way to consume your valuable content.

Episode Videos
Episode Deep Linking

Link directly to specific episodes in popular podcast players, improving accessibility and user experience.

When it comes to podcast websites, providing a seamless experience for your audience is key. One often overlooked aspect is deep linking, a feature that Podpage excels at. Deep linking ensures that when someone clicks a link on an episode page, it takes them directly to the specific episode in popular podcast players. This simple yet powerful feature enhances the user-friendliness of your episode and website.

Episode Deep Linking
Episode Video Matching

Automatically find and showcase your YouTube videos on your podcast page with every new episode

Enhance your episode pages automatically with video. When you upload a new episode, our system automatically searches your YouTube channel for the corresponding video. If found, it's seamlessly added to your podcast webpage. This not only enriches your page with dynamic content but also simplifies the process of updating your site, ensuring a more engaging and visually appealing experience for your audience.