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Summer Special 2022 - Episode 1

Welcome to the 'Behind the Bottom Line' Summer Special 2022. Two great episodes to listen to on holiday. Today's stories are: 

👨‍💼 ‘The Interview’ – how good are you in job interviews? Cuthbert Trill wants to kill himself but is persuaded to apply for one more job. Will he get it?

🐺 ‘Full Moon’ – Topfoods plc chairman Jerome Jones is really into diversity for really bad reasons. But he’s in for a shock when he finds out HOW diverse his employees are.

🎧 These two stories have been sound-scaped. To get a truly immersive experience, listen with headphones.

Image by rawpixel.com

Music & Sounds: JuliusH / Fronbondi Skegs / u r7iwd4nklp / SounsForYou / Microsammy / Ashot-danielyan-Composer / AntipodeanWriter from Pixabay